Preparing Your Quilt For Longarm Quilting

Preparing your quilt for long-arm quilting is an important step to ensure that the quilting process goes smoothly and that the final product looks great. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to prepare your quilt before sending it to Craftwright Quilts:

Complete Your Quilt Top

    1. Check the Top: Make sure all seams are secure and that there are no loose threads or frayed edges.
    2. Press Well: Iron the quilt top thoroughly, making sure seams are flat. Use a setting that’s appropriate for the fabric you’re using.  Craftwright Quilts will press your quilt again before quilting, but taking this step before sending it to us gives you a chance to ensure your quilt is in the best condition possible before quilting.

Prepare the Backing

    1. Size: The backing should be 5 inches larger than the quilt top on all four sides. This is essential for the long-arm machine grips and to account for any shrinkage or movement during the quilting process.
    2. Seams: If you need to piece the backing, use a ½ to ¾ inch seam allowance and press the seams open to avoid bulk.
    3. Square the Backing: Ensure the backing is square and flat. Any wrinkles or puckers can cause issues during the quilting process.  
    4. For more types on preparing your backing, click here.


    1. Choose the Right Batting: Consult with your long-arm quilter if you’re unsure which type to use, as different battings can affect the final look and feel of your quilt.  Craftwright Quilts also has a blog post available to help you through the batting selection process, here.
    2. Size: Like the backing, the batting should also be larger than the quilt top, extending 4 – 5 inches beyond on all sides.

Trimming and Thread

    1. Trim Loose Threads: Loose threads can show through the quilt top or create shadows, especially if your quilt top is light in color and the threads are dark.
    2. Color Consideration: If your quilt top is light and the backing is dark, consider using a batting that has a black scrim or is black itself to prevent the dark backing from shadowing through the light top.

Additional Considerations

    1. Marking the Top: If you have a specific direction that your quilt top should be oriented, mark the top edge with a piece of masking tape or a safety pin.
    2. No Basting Needed: Don’t baste your quilt layers together; Craftwright Quilts will take care of this step.

Communicating with Craftwright Quilts

    1. Discuss Designs and Patterns: Talk with us about the design or pattern you have in mind. We can offer advice on what will work best with your quilt top, as well as other options that might be available to customize a design specific to your project.
    2. Thread Color: Decide on thread colors that will complement your quilt. Craftwright Quilts has relationships with all major thread manufacturers, and also see our blog post here to help assist you in selecting the right thread for your project.  
    3. Special Requests: If you have any special requests or concerns, be sure to communicate these before the quilting process begins.

Packing for Delivery

    1. Fold Carefully: Once everything is pressed and prepared, fold your quilt top and backing neatly, avoiding deep creases that might not come out during quilting.
    2. Bagging: Place your quilt top, backing, and batting in a clean, dry bag to protect them on the way to the quilter.  Alternatively, you can purchase your backing and batting from Craftwright Quilts directly, which means you only need to send your quilt top to us to minimize shipping costs.


    1. Schedule a Drop-off: If you live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Craftwright Quilts does accept drop offs but, due to our scheduling, we prefer that customers ship quilts and package them as securely as possible.  

Select Finishing Services

    1. Craftwright Quilts has a number of finishing services available, including trimming and binding of your quilt.  Please let us know if you want any of these finishing services when you ship us your quilt to ensure we allocate sufficient time to complete your project before any deadlines.

If you have any questions at all after sending us your quilt, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  Direct emails are the most secure form of communication and we are also happy to arrange Zoom calls as well to discuss your project, as needed.